Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thing #23 - Is this really the end? Or just the beginning....

I thought it was a great idea to start by offering people completing the program a $25 gift certificate (I'm choosing iTunes) & to be entered in a drawing for an iPod shuffle! I also liked the idea of checking into many of the technologies that the average teen seems to understand really well, despite the fact that the average adult does not know much about them. Good time to pick up a bunch of this stuff, even if I need help from one of my teens!

Blogging was one of the first concepts introduced and through all of the sessions we got to keep adding to our blogs. I liked the way some of the sessions then introduced different ways to add Pictures, Videos, Clips, etc to our Blogs. When I last checked I hadn't gotten any comments to my blog, but did get one commenting on the Clip that I pulled out with Clip-to-Blog. :)

One thing I would change is to add more Bonus Exercises, so that those particularly interested in some concepts would have some good "next steps" by checking them out further. One example of this is in the area of MP3 players and files -- for which we did check out Podcasts and I had a lot of fun with them, but would have liked more.

If offered another discovery program like this in the future I would definitely choose to participate!

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