Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thing #18 - Explore WebJunction Minnesota

Registered for the WebJunction account genebyland with as corresponding email account using Internet Explorer. To sign up for an online course on MS Word 2003, I went to the Courses tab and Browsed the WebJunction Course Catalog to search the E-Learning Clearinghouse. Clicked My Courses to access the course(s) in which I had enrolled, which is currently just Word 2003.

Apparently this launches an EXE, because after this point I got the "Access has been Denied!" message because Access to the page:
... has been denied for the following reason:
Banned extension: .exe

Looks like although I started this post on 4/19, I'll comment on 4/21 that I'll have to continue the lesson later at home where this is not banned...

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